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3 Things About Entrepreneurial Positioning You May Not Know

Today we're going to talk about 3 things around entrepreneurial positioning that you may not know. Positioning yourself as an entrepreneur is absolutely vital to your success when you are starting your own business and it is one of the most common areas that people do not take the time to get right from the very beginning.

Now that is not to say that your positioning, what you do and who you serve will not change over time. This is organic, and of course your positioning is going to evolve over time as your business grows and as you start to get a better feel for the type of work you most enjoy doing and the type of clients that light you up. However, positioning really is a fundamental aspect to start looking at from the very beginning of your business planning. So there are three areas that I want to talk about in today's blog post with regard to entrepreneurial positioning.

We're going to cover ‘starting with where you are’ or ‘being uniquely you’, your ideal client, and your core message. So the first thing's first, start with who and where you are.

Start with where you are

(or ‘being uniquely you’)

It's absolutely vital to define who you are and why people should buy from you specifically and not the next Joe Bloggs from down the street. We don't want any comparisons or copy-pasting here.

One of the biggest mistakes that brand new entrepreneurs make is this: they see somebody else doing something successful in the same industry or niche that they are getting into and they think to themselves, “wow, they’re killing it! If I just do exactly what they do, then I'll be successful. Right? Right….?”

Wrong! The most important element positioning is to figure out who you are.

When most of us start out as entrepreneurs or business owners, we often feel overwhelmed about who we are and what our messages, and sometimes we aren't 100 percent clear on what it is that we really want to do.

Don't panic if this is the situation you're facing right now. This is totally normal. The main thing to remember when you are crafting your dream business is to create something that feels good to you. It's really important at this stage to continue condition yourself for success and let yourself grow as an entrepreneur.

Doing all of this means taking a very detailed look into who you are right now, who you want to be, and the kind of person or client you want to attract – a.k.a your dream audience. So we start with where you are right now in order to find your own unique message. Don't compare yourself to others or even try to replicate what you see other people doing. You need to have fun with it. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers and you don't have to know absolutely everything right now. This is just the start of your journey. Over time, things will become clearer. Trust me!

How do you do this?

In order to identify what makes you unique as a service provider and an entrepreneur, ask yourself some of the following questions:

1.       What obstacles have you overcome in life?

2.       How do you show your unique personality?

3.       As a service provider, what makes you stand out?

4.       Why would somebody pick you, your program or your service over somebody else and

5.        What life experiences do you have that others can learn from?

Your ideal client

The next element in positioning is identifying your target market, so let's take a look at who your ideal client might be.

Some of the questions that you might want to answer during this process:

1.       What are your client's beliefs around your topic?

2.       What makes them feel confident?

3.       What makes them feel nervous or anxious?

4.       What are their biggest challenges and pain points in relation to your topic?

5.       Imagine money is no object. What would they pay for to make go away?

Remember, when you are working on your positioning and figuring out who your ideal client is, it's so important not to try to be everything to everyone.

You need to get laser focused and speak to only your ideal clients; those dream clients that you want to work with.

When you are clear about your unique positioning and who your ideal clients are, your content and message will hit them directly in the feels! You want your ideal clients to see your content and think, “oh my God, she's talking directly to me. She totally got inside my head!”

Your core message

Once you've established these first two elements, then it's time to look at your core message. This is a really exciting element of your business planning. Essentially, your core message is a statement that immediately grabs the attention of your ideal client in a way that allows them to see you as the ‘go to’ person who can help them. You need to anchor yourself with your core message. It's a message that you're going to be sharing continually throughout your content and need to resonate with your dream audience and demonstrate how you specifically can help them. Your core message helps them to decide in their minds that it is you - above anyone else - that can help them achieve the result that they desire.


See this gallery in the original post