Thrive Marketing

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Is your marketing actually working?

You can kind of tell because you know how many sales you’re making, right?

Like, you might say something like this: “yep, my marketing’s working, my 1:1 slots are all filled + I’m selling plenty of courses”

Orrrrr, perhaps more like this: “no, my marketing clearly isn’t working, I’m struggling to get any clients and only made $400 this month!!”

OK, I’m going to let you in on a little secret (it’s really not a secret but 80% of you aren’t doing it).

You can dive a lot deeper, and figure out a LOT more about how your marketing is performing than just by looking at your income.

In fact, you not only CAN, but you really really MUST.

It’s time to dig deeper and find out what it is you’re doing that isn’t working, why, and how to fix that!

In my last blog post we talked all about why analysing your marketing is so important. It enables you to see what content types + topics resonate with your audience, what the return is on any investment you’re making and where your best traffic is coming from. If you haven’t already read that post, I recommend a little hoppety-skip over there to check it out as it’s a bit of a pre-cursor to today’s blog.


Back? OK, so hopefully now you understand why keeping an eye on how your different marketing tactics are doing is so important. Now let’s talk about HOW we can do that.

First of all, you’re going to want to make sure you’re making use of the tools out there that are available to you (for FREE, I might add). I could talk forever about this, but let’s keep it simple today. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

  • If you have a website, you NEED to have Google Analytics set up.
  • If you’re doing any email marketing, you NEED to be reviewing your reports + stats.
  • If you’re using social media, you NEED to be set up with any Analytics they offer on your account.
  • If you’re pushing traffic into a funnel from sources where you can’t see much detail on the analytics (e.g. social media), you OUGHT to be using a link-shortening service like that allows you to track the activity on those link clicks (where people are clicking them, how many, what they do afterwards, etc.)

When you use these tools together, it allows you to build a picture of your audience’s typical ‘journey’ with you as a brand, business, + content creator.

Where do people first come across your content? Which types of content do they tend to click on? Which topics seems to be most interesting and do people prefer, say, videos over blog posts? Once they’re on your site, what are they doing? Do they stick around + peruse your site’s content or are they quick to ‘bounce’ away? If you’re sending them into a funnel, what’s the typical behaviour? What’s the conversion rate on your landing page? Is it low? If it’s low, why? Are you getting a great conversion rate for subscribers to your freebie, but a very poor conversion rate on your low-value tripwire product? Does your copy need re-writing, could your images be better, is the pricepoint right?

There are literally ENDLESS roads you could go down when it comes to analysing your marketing, but 80% of us don’t even bother! Argh, we are wasting so much time + money here on things that aren’t working!

Now, the key here is NOT to become overwhelmed with all the things it’s possible to measure.

Please don’t do that; I’d simply love for you to focus just on the basics that will help you make the most impactful improvements to your marketing.

Start with Google Analytics. Check out where your site visitors are coming from + consider that against the effort you put in on each source. If you’re super active on Instagram, for example, but have never really understood how Twitter works, it’s highly likely that you’ll see more people are coming through from Insta than by clicking on one of your difficult-to-find tweets.

Look at the behaviour people are displaying on your site. Is your bounce rate particularly high (65%+)? If so, this could indicate a couple of things. Firstly, the traffic (people) coming to your site could be the ‘wrong’ people (ie. they don’t fall into your target market + so aren’t particularly interested in you or your brand). Secondly, perhaps the traffic is right, but they’re not finding what they’re looking for - maybe your site is difficult to navigate, or it could simply be that you don’t have enough quality or clear content for them to browse.

Spend a little time reviewing the ‘journey’ users take through your site.

  • Where do they typically enter?
  • Which pages do they browse, and in which order?

It’s super important to see if there is a particular page people tend to ‘exit’ from. If this is your lead magnet ‘thank you’ page, that’s fab! It means the majority of your visitors are qualifying themselves by signing up for your lead magnet + the quality of the traffic coming in is good - well done!

However, if most people are exiting from your homepage without visiting (m)any other pages, this could signal that you have not given them a clear indication of what you’re all about, or any incentive to navigate further around your site. It might be time to work on your copy, your site design, or both.

These are just a few tips to get you started - I could cover this for hours (and often do!). I want to see your marketing working harder for you - goodness me you deserve it, with the effort you put in! (yes, I see you...)

I’d love to hear from you if you’re ready to start getting real results from your marketing. Let’s talk about how I can help you do that! There's absolutely no obligation if you jump on a quick call with me -- and if I can't help I promise to help you find the right person who can!


See this gallery in the original post