Let's break the ice, shall we?

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Want to use content marketing to get clients by leading with your expertise? 

Good. I’m pretty nifty at that.

Thrive Marketing was founded on a passion to help small business owners and entrepreneurs succeed wildly in their business and life - by equipping them with the knowledge, understanding and support they need to get prospective clients banging their door down. 

I work with you to build effective content-led marketing strategies that are tailored to YOUR business. Together, we build your authority, strengthen your brand and best of all, fill up your customer list.


By making sure your ideal clients know that you are without doubt the right solution for THEM.

Marketing strategy - sorted.

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My name is Dani and I’m the head honcho over here at Thrive (read: it’s my baby and you’ll be working directly with ME). I’ve spent my entire career (12 years and counting…) in marketing. Long enough to know what works, and what doesn’t. But most importantly, long enough to guide your business to the right unique solution for you. 

The phrase cookie-cutter is overused, but I’ll add to the party here -- following someone else’s blueprint is not enough for sustainable business success. You might see short-term wins (and hey, that’s great in its own right!) but you won’t achieve long-term success. As a small business, or freelance service provider, those blueprints are missing one key element.

That’s YOU.

Only when you uncover marketing strategies that fit right, feel good, and make sense to you can you begin to accomplish truly long-term growth.

If you’ve ever experienced periods of ‘feast and famine’, or ‘this seems to be working but I’m not really enjoying it’, then chances are you’ve been applying somebody else’s blueprint for success.

There is nothing necessarily wrong with any of these ready-made tactics - far from it. But the thing is, we have to combine strategies that not only open doors with your target audience, but that also feel good to you. That’s when growth really starts to show its brilliant (and sometimes scary) face.

How am I equipped to help?

I’ve worked in executive marketing and marketing management roles for small businesses with fewer than 3 people right through to Fortune 100 global corporations (yeah, you’ve heard of them).

Really, I’ve run the gamut.

I have a First Class Honours degree in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations (in normal speak, the best you can get). I’m a certified Content Marketing Strategist (just ask LinkedIn and the Content Marketing Institute). 

But what’s most relevant is my experience helping small businesses and entrepreneurs just like you start to fill their calendars, book high-ticket clients and expand their audiences - all via sensible, strategic content marketing.

No ‘get-rich-quick’ or ‘15 minutes of fame’ social media guru nonsense here. Yes, that can be exciting, and - hell - even inspiring at times! No judgement. But what’s different here is that we work together strategically, methodically and pragmatically to propel your success. (Did I mention I'm a certified NLP Practitioner? NLP is a coaching and growth philosophy that promotes positivity and proactivity to give entrepreneurs a real edge in business.) Most importantly, we take action on the things that matter.

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And if you’re worrying, ‘well, Dani, I actually have experience in marketing and I’m pretty confident I KNOW what I should be doing to grow my business, but for some, bizarre, unknown and unexplainable reason I am not DOING those things’ then, well - let me tell you. You are in exactly the right place.

Want to know why?

Because I’ve been there, scrambled over that wall and now absolutely relish helping people just like you do the same.

Ready to find out more? Great, the coffee’s brewing …