HOW TO: start marketing when your business is brand new + you've got zero money to spend!

Most new coaches, freelancers, heck - even marketers! - struggle to come up with an effective marketing strategy when they’re first getting started. It’s tough, but absolutely vital to establish a foothold in your industry. It’s a totally overwhelming thing to have to figure out if you’ve got no experience!

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SEO link building - the right way

Do you know which other sites are linking to your site? Google ranking is big on the trust and respectability of a site. The search engine reasons that if a respected site can reference yours, then your stuff must be good. Link building basically involves building your site’s respectability by having links to your site in the right places. So how can you do it fast and right?

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SEO Made Simple: a beginner's guide

Do you know which other sites are linking to your site? Google ranking is big on the trust and respectability of a site. The search engine reasons that if a respected site can reference yours, then your stuff must be good. Link building basically involves building your site’s respectability by having links to your site in the right places. So how can you do it fast and right?

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8 bizarre tricks for coming up with content ideas

Coming up with content ideas..argh! I don’t know about you, but even with the best intentions, I think we all suffer from ‘blank screen syndrome’ at times, no?

Sometimes your brain just isn’t playing ball. Maybe you’re tired, or maybe you’ve just got other things on your mind, but when writer’s block strikes, there a few cool and unusual things to try to get your creatives juices flowing again.

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What makes a piece of content?

We’ve all heard and read about what makes a great piece of content, and that’s a super important topic of its own.

But what I want to talk to you about today is taking just a step back from that.

Before we worry about whether a piece of content is great, let’s figure out - what actually makes a piece of content, well, content?!

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